Remediace oblastí těžby uranu v České republice


  • Š. Petrová Laboratoř rostlinných biotechnologií, Ústavu experimentální botaniky Akademie věd České republiky, v.v.i., Praha
  • P. Soudek Laboratoř rostlinných biotechnologií, Ústavu experimentální botaniky Akademie věd České republiky, v.v.i., Praha
  • T. Vaněk Laboratoř rostlinných biotechnologií, Ústavu experimentální botaniky Akademie věd České republiky, v.v.i., Praha

Klíčová slova:

uran, těžba, kontaminace, remediace


Areas contaminated with radionuclides are near the places of mining and processing of U ores. The most contaminated areas in the Czech Republic are located near Stráž pod Ralskem (chemical leaching), Rožná, and Mydlovary (U processing plants). Radioactive wastes are stored in rock dumps and piles. High concentrations of radionuclides appear also in water. In the past, contaminated soil or water was processed outside the area. These used methods were very expensive and destructive for the soil and environment. At present, the remediation tries to use the methods that preserves the functions and properties of the soil. The in situ methods offer decontamination techniques without removing contaminated soil. The present review deals with domestic U mining areas and possible methods of remediation of contaminated localities.




Jak citovat

Petrová, Š., Soudek, P., & Vaněk, T. (2013). Remediace oblastí těžby uranu v České republice. Chemické Listy, 107(4), 283–291. Získáno z


